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Fashion victims
Autor: Ksenija Perišić, 15. 4. 2011.

Fashion victims

 These days I read a lot about fashion. Looking at all aspects of the topic, I realized that this is a way to manipulate people. Fashion trends make people ugly, and not vice versa. Although our ancestors told us that the suit does not make a man, we all reach for fashion accessories and beautiful pieces of clothing to make us look better to ourselves. Looks are not as important as our personalities. A famous label won't make you look „cool“ and you won't gain respect with it. You won't be a better person if you're wearing only expensive clothes. Are we all fashion victims? Yes, we surely are... Everyone has their own stlye e.g. metalheads wear dark clothes, preps follow the latest trends and nerds wear mostly what they like.



Plastic surgeriesare popular with famous actresses and/or singers. They always look faboulous and we often look up to them and admire them. They have perfect skin, hair, nails, and a perfect figure. Their stlye is flawless.... are they really happy or is it just a perfect mask?

„Behind the mask“ is just a normal person like you and me., Stylists, hairstylists, surgeons and and bunch of other people are responsible and, of course, payed to make them look great.

Anorexiahas become a „trendy“ illness. Young girls start starving themselves , thinking that by becoming thinner they will become happier, more popular etc. They often look like skeletons covered with skin, they are pale, ghost-like. They refuse help and it leads to emotinal pain, heart problems, hair loss, kidney failure and then, sadly, death.

Hana Ahmetović 8.b

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