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Engleski jezik
Povratak na prethodnu stranicu Ispiši članak Pošalji prijatelju
Autor: Ksenija Perišić, 6. 12. 2010.


  • What do I think about gossiping?

I think that everyone gossiped once in a lifetime. Sometimes it's good to tell your opinion. But it's not always good because it becomes a routine. It can hurt many people.

  • Why do teenagers gossip so much?

I think that they gossip because they don't have anything interesting to do. They are very boring themselves so they take interest in other peoples lives. That's not nice.

  • What is the reason for gossiping?

It's very simple, jealousy and greed that often bring conflict situations between the girls.

  • Which group of teenagers are gossip girls?

They are preps . They always want to be the right ones. They gossip the girls from their school and make fun of them.

  • Is gossiping good or bad?

It is very bad, of course. It's the worst of people's characteristics.

  • What do gossip girls get when they gossip?

They get nothing, except they feel better when they hurt other girls.

  • How gossiping operates on other people?

This is very bad for all people, especially for young people and children, because they can feel bad because of it and they can become insecure.    

Dona-Marija Gasner i Lara Lovrinčević 8.b                                                                                                            

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